The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was
established under the Convention to consider reports of states parties on the
measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the Convention. CEDAW prepares
annual reports for the United Nations General Assembly that include the Committees
general recommendations and summaries of the consideration of the reports of
states parties. The reports are published as Official Records of the General
Assembly, Supplement No. 38. The obligations of the Convention are significant
in situations where the rights of women, particularly the obligation to ensure
the equal rights of women and men, may come into conflict with religious or
customary beliefs and practices.
A number of States parties have made declarations or reservations to the Convention
due to perceived conflicts with national laws implementing or based on religious
law. For example, several Muslim states have made reservations to all or portions
of Article 16 (marriage and family relations) with the objection that these
provisions conflict with sharia. Israel has made a similar reservation
to safeguard the implementation of personal status law in the courts of its
various religious communities. Other states, such as Brazil, Ireland, Malta,
Korea and Thailand, have also submitted reservations. See Note by the Secretary-General,
Declarations, Reservations, Objections and Notifications of Withdrawal of Reservations
Relating to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women. U.N. Doc. CEDAW/SP/1992/2 (1991).
CEDAW has issued several general recommendations touching on conflicts between
the obligations of the Convention and traditional religious and cultural practices.
General Recommendation 14 on Female Circumcision, U.N. Doc. A/45/38 at 80, calls
on states parties to take the necessary affirmative measures to eradicate that
practice. General Recommendation 19 on Violence Against Women, U.N. Doc. A/47/38
at 1, identifies traditional attitudes that perpetuate such violent and coercive
practices as forced marriage, dowry deaths and female circumcision as contributing
to discrimination against women. General Recommendation 21 on Equality in Marriage
and Family Relations, U.N. Doc. A/49/38, contains important provisions on the
relationship between personal status law (in many states based on traditional
religious law) and the principle of equal rights of men and women in the decision
to marry, the marriage itself, the dissolution of marriage and inheritance.
The portion of General Recommendation 21 commenting on Article 16 of the Convention
is reprinted below.